Whole animal cooking is becoming more and more popular, not only because the cost of meat is steadily rising but also to reduce waste. When we buy those convenient packages of boneless skinless chicken breasts and leg/thigh portions, what is left over are very useful chicken backs.
Here is a great site that walks you through exactly how to use these to make very nutritious and nutrient dense chicken stock, as well as when to pull them out in order to make use of the surprising amount of tasty meat the backs have.
Chicken Backs for Soup - Shady Grove Ranch
Perfect to save for anything that requires pulled/shredded chicken such as fajitas, chicken pot pie, etc. Or toss it into the food processor to grind it for making chicken croquettes, chicken meatballs, chicken meatloaf, for stuffing pasta/ravioli, the possibilities are endless. A great way to get inexpensive high quality all natural pastured chicken at the bargain price of only $2.65 per pound! Available for sale in our Annie's Acres Farm shop.