Friday, January 24, 2014

Roasted Garlic Potato Soup

This soup is absolutely delicious, and I can't think of anything better to eat on a cold winter day!  Such an easy, healthy comfort food recipe.  We still have lots of potatoes and garlic available in the shop here at Annie's Acres Farm.

Click the link for the recipe: Roasted Garlic Potato Soup (from Taste of Home)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The next big thing in lettuce!

Have you ever tried mache?  It is also know as lamb's lettuce due to it's adorable little shape.  This little soft-leaved, buttery green is a great mild, almost nutty flavored alternative to other more bitter winter greens such as escarole or arugula.  It is also vitamin packed and low calorie!  An entree sized salad of mache (about 50g or so) contains about 30% of your daily vitamin C, packed with beta-carotine, omega 3s, and antioxidants -- and only 10 calories!  Eating lots of spinach to up your iron intake?  Mache packs more than a third more iron than spinach!

For lots of mache recipes, head over to Epic Roots!